// list poems inlägg may recs - Late Stage Live w/ Ella Yurman - contrapoints interview - You Really Need to Quit Twitter https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/twitter-addict-realizes-she-needs-rehab/619343/ "... now a corporation that operates against my best interests has me thinking in 280 characters. Every thought, every experience, seems to be reducible to this haiku, and my mind is instantly engaged by the challenge of concision." feed - Cyklpoernas land.gif hbtqia+ - https://64.media.tumblr.com/e332329d7308285c2574c3b7e96459d4/47046a915af7f147-f4/s1280x1920/e2f887349c53f4efd7cced24ab63badb4a6b7566.jpg