And someother places in between.
Malmö station, Sweden
Across Öresundsbron (between Sweden and Denmark)
On the ferry to Germany
She's into low-tech
The most epic find in the tax free store
Fell in love a little bit with Postdam, even though it was just in passing by
Scientology Kirche
Once I told my latin teacher an anectode about how when H.C. Andersen's The Princess and the Pea was translated into german they changed the story from one pea to three peas because they found one pea unrealistic. And he said that was so german because they're "very square." I didn't know what he meant but after being in Germany I can say. They're literally square
I asked the guy if Kartoffelsallat meant mashed potatoes and he said "yeah." It was as someone who's studied three years of german should've been able to guess potato sallad
On the bus again
She's losing
I took this image and though "ok Christianity won with this one. 1-0 to Christianity I guess" completely unaware of how smashed ruined obliterated I'd be by the Catholic imagery in Prague
Yeah I'm emotional at this piece of imagery this is art. While I don't know what this "cultural Christianity" Richard Dawkins is talking about is, I've long been a subscriber to aesthetic Catholicism (which, no shade on catholics, but that's like 50% of regular catholicism)
I was not prepared at all for the vibes of Prague in sunlight so I almost died accidentally walking into the old part of Prague during sunset. Like the pinterest-girl sacrificial lamb god loves you but not enough to save you vibes ... insane
Let's go Kafka
He deserves a lot more credit for being the inspiration behind the catholic prauge aesthetic tbqh
While Prauge is full of the type of religious imagery that makes the most deranged type of young people hysterical and make n*zis want to make Prauge the second capital of the third reich, Prague does have some more artsy corners, like this little hideaway where the Franz Kafka museum is located
Inside the Franz Kafka museum :')
Epic !! Maybe this is just the european authors merch tour
This might be a very basic statue thing but being in Prauge really made me appreciate the dimensionality of statues, like the way they have to be compositionally satisfying from multiple angles where someone is viewing them. Because the statues in Prauge work soo much with angles in a way that's truly breathtaking, you feel like you've "found" the art when you view it from a new mesmerizing angle
Probably my fave statue on the Charles Bridge
Prauge subway
Modern Madonna statue
Bought these hand made quilts for €60 😐 The exploitation of coquette 20-somethings by hungarian saleswomen. It's a real problem (tbf they're maybe worth that, but why the hell did I buy two of them)
At first I thought this was Jesus Christ but it's just the king of Hungary lol. The funniest thing the guide said was that the Hungarian king is actually higher in authority than the Pope because the Hungarian king is ordained by God and the Pope is ordained by cardinals. And while I feel like I'm nerdy enough about religion to make an argument for why this is absurd (noo the two basic tenets of Catholicism is that 1) the authority of the Roman Bishop was ordained by Jesus Christ to be passed down through Peter, and 2) that Jesus was God and also the cardinals are inspired by the Holy Spirit so while there might be a human element to it it's the seat that has the godly authority and the bishop by proxy noo where are you going) why does it matter when this is exactly the type of hybris I'm trying to have towards the Pope. I was actually ordained by God himself to do what I'm doing, I heard there was some type of electoral process for your election though. Him standing on a lion is also pretty epic, reminds me of the Strength Major Arcana card
Had the best night of my life at this Romanian restaurant with live jazz/romanian folk music and live dancing show. The man on the clarinet and I made eye contact throughout the night, not in a creepy way, we linked spiritually through the magic of jazz, it was amazing
Let's go
Ran into a trans march in Vienna<33
Plague pillar, miss when we used to build these. Retvrn to tradition I say. It's funny to me to think that there's probably people who are against vaccines but would be pro building these to stop covid
From Schönbrunn
Austrian kebab
Lots of Pride in Vienna
Wiener Prater from the ferris wheel
Berlin (again)
Whenever I arrive at a place like this I am overrun by the need to live there immediately please take me in bro
By this point in the trip I was so tired of european churches that I felt depressed taking this picture. Went back to that place I said I wanted to live in for a while and then went back to the hotel
On our way back to Sweden
<3 :-) "All actual life is encounter" Tensta station, Stockholm ∎