"Everybody today wants to talk about the divine feminine. Everyone's like: "let's talk about the divine feminine! What's the divine feminine?" And the answer is shut up. That's basically the answer." - Jonathan Pegeau, Chillin' with Jonathan Pageau at Sean's House (2024)

Mormonism is incredibly interesting. Now, I don't actually think mormons believe in the heavenly mother for any super spiritual reasons. I think their thinking goes: "there are two genders. boy god and girl god." But either way I think it's a super fascinating concept, both in how strongly it breaks with Christian theology, and how it kind of doesn't.

So maybe Jonathan Pegeau is correct that speaking about the quote-on-quote "divine feminine" is an absurdity. But then what? What if I can't help it? What if it's the most fascinating thing ever, with the gravity of a black hole? Am I doomed to a Nietzschan mental breakdown? Will I start texting my friends calling myself Dionysiys and der Gekreuzigte?? Is there nothing for me except insanity and the fires of Gehenna where the worm doeth not die??? If this is the nature of non-duality, why does the taoists talk about yin all the time, without falling into the occult? Or are they falling into the occult? Why is Jonathan Pegeau not answering my calls??

Maybe it's true that you cannot speak of the "divine feminine", but for the love of God do I wish people would then at least leave room for her silence. The problem with the positive is that it takes up so much space, naturally. It grows and grows, and in my opinion, into regions where it can't in any way operate well. Nay, I don't know if we can talk about this negativity. But at least we can leave space for it -- at least we could stop denying that it exists. Pegeau doesn't deny that it exists -- he holds some type of silent reverence for it.