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How To Become a Modern Day Religious Fundie


Step one: Hate yourself, your life, and your sexuality.

I'm about to tell you a crazy fucking story. Strap in and enjoy it.

1. Hate yourself, your life, and your sexuality

After a while, sexuality becomes humiliation.

2.The Spiritual Experience

The walls start moving, that's the first thing. Looking back I think it's either anxiety or the meditation (meditation, not medication) I was doing, I don't know, but the walls were moving, like they were breathing. Then came the intense sensation of love -- of loving, more than being loved. This probably sounds schizo, and trust me that was one of the things I considered was happening. But what is life without some slight schizo experiences? I guess it's the mindstate where spiritual experiences happen -- and I was just brim filled with this love, of God. For the same reason 17 year olds should not do acid I took these feelings at face value; I feel a love for God, so God must exist. Most religious people express this feeling in one way or another; st. John of the Cross (do you think I'm joking around. That this is some type of game) described the feeling as a gift of God in the believers early walk of faith, a sort of holy bread from above, the first milk from a mother's breasts that must later be pulled away to make the child ready for real food. CS Lewis describes the same sensation, most mystics do, and the youthtsths usually describe it as being "on fire for God." It's an intoxicating human emotion -- it actually didn't pull me towards Christianity to begin with, at all. I read the Q'uran, the Bhahagavad Gita.

3. Fall in love

How to unbecome a religious fundie